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Categories MicroStation
Created by Molly Brown
Created on Sep 5, 2023

Digital Currency Newsletter - Product Usage Impact

We would like to track the product usage impact of the Digital Currency Newsletters that are sent on behalf of marketing. Each month a new newsletter is sent with various links to content, including Virtuosity Blog posts, YouTube videos, and communities posts.

We have data on who we sent the newsletters to, who clicked through the various links, but we need help tying that data to product usage (for the individuals we sent the newsletter to).

This request is to receive help/guidance on how we should approach tracking impact for this project. A dashboard is not needed at this time. This request could also be spanned across all product lines with newsletters, not focused on only MicroStation.

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    Molly Brown
    Dec 15, 2023

    Based on today's feedback from Jim O'Brien and Eoin Manning, let's wait until they determine how they want to track individual usage impact of coffee corners against overall seasonal usage trends. Agreed that this was a good pilot (one-off) to see what can be done from a reporting side.

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    Isabel Vasco
    Dec 7, 2023

    The data pulled from the Snowflake and compiled with the data shared by Success Communication team. The report building started.

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    Isabel Vasco
    Dec 7, 2023

    12/05/2023 Jim O'Brien:
    "Will either of you be able to help get the analysis on this done before EOY? This is one of the items we were going to report on in our Q4 QBR, so if we’re not going to make it then we’ll need to set leadership’s expectations accordingly."

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    Isabel Vasco
    Dec 7, 2023

    The data shared on 19/10/2023 by Success Communication team

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    Isabel Vasco
    Sep 12, 2023

    Sent email to Kelly Ramesar. Main questions:
    - find the data analyst who provides the data analysis
    - the content type that is included to the Digital Currency Newsletter and is the content always the same